Thursday, December 12, 2019

Health Benefits Of Aloe Vera: Fat Deposit Killer, Healer of Over 50 Illnesses

The medical components and powers that can be exercised by the Aloe Vera have been popular for a long time now. It has been said that ancient Egyptians used it to cure themselves of many illnesses.

Aloe Vera Plant

They used to call it “the plant of immortality”, they used it for fighting off many diseases, repair small cuts, wounds or even skin burns.
More than 200 bioactive components are consisted in the Aloe Vera, such as enzymes, minerals, vitamins, polysaccharides, and amino acids.
Its strong antimicrobial and anti-fungal components can cleanse our body, improve our immune system, also since it is packed with selenium, iron, copper, potassium, calcium, zinc and chrome it stimulates weight losing and it accelerates our metabolism as well.

Also enzymes such as lipase and amylase are contained in the Aloe Vera gel, which are actually the key to fight against decompose fats and sugars, and chronic inflammation.

Aloe Vera is also one of the richest sources of vitamin B12 which is the main thing that can boost the red blood cell production and over 20 out of 22 amino acids that are vital and needed by our organism, which are the only thing that can assure a proper function.

The Aloe Vera is also able to heal indigestion and ulcers, and it can cleanse our body, and the salicylic acid that is contained in the Aloe Vera gel is able to fight skin problems as well as bacteria.

Based on many studies the Aloe Vera gel is capable of treating and relieving the symptoms of over 50 diseases and problems that are common. It has the power to remove oral ulcers and it can get rid of plaque buildup on our teeth. To avoid its bitter taste, try mixing it with some sweet natural juice.

You can buy Aloe Vera leaves at any health store, or you can easily grow it at home and extract the leaf gel, whether you grow it or buy it, keep in mind to always have fresh Aloe Vera leaves at home!

Share these incredible facts with your close ones, reveal to them the perks of Aloe Vera!

Monday, December 9, 2019

Elderberry Syrup Is Better Than Any Flu Shots, And Safe!

Elderberries are considered as one of the most potent herbs that can treat influenza very efficiently, its extract to be precise. Regardless of whether you are hit by influenza or it becomes pandemic, elderberry extract is the best choice to fight flu.

Elderberry Syrup

The black elderberry extract is even more efficient than the well-known flu shot. This is a very efficient medicine and its benefits are a proven fact, published in many medical journals.

Those magazine articles are what inspired us to write this story.
This is no new fact actually. This herb had found its use many years ago in the traditional medicine as means for treating the flu, colds, and sinusitis and even herpes simplex. Its efficiency was tested throughout a study, where elderberry syrup was used for treating Influenza A and B infections. Patients from 18-54 years, all showing influenza symptoms, were included in the study. It was executed in Norway back in 1999-2000 were in a period of 2 days or less.

The patients received 15ml of elderberry syrup or placebo syrup for 5 consecutive days and their results were monitored with a visual analogue scale.
In four days, those who were using elderberry extract syrup had to use rescue medication only for a short time in comparison to the placebo group.

How it works

Science has proven that the active compound in the elderberry named Antivirin, commonly found in proteins of the black elderberry has lots of anti-viral properties, very effective in stopping the flu virus. Study that was performed showed that Sambucol is consisted of active components which can increase the inflammatory cytokine production.

Based on the testing on influenza A and b, Sambucol has proven to be the best and most effective treatments for healing.

When it comes to the dosage, children should take ½ tablespoon of the extract and one full tablespoon for adults.

How to take the extract:

You can take it on its own or put it in your tea. In the summer you can mix it with a cold beverage as well, it’ll still do the trick. Remember to always keep your elderberry extract in a cold dry place = or simply refrigerated.

Elderberry syrup recipe:

16 ounces of elderberry juice

4 tablespoons of lemon juice

1 tablespoon of raw honey


At first, prepare the elderberry juice. Place elderberries in a pan, cowl them with water, and warmth till starts to boil.  Then, take away from heat,  and leave the elderberries within the liquid for some hours. Then, strain the liquid, discard the berries, and put it in fridge.
Next step, in a pan, mix the elderberry juice with juice of lemon, and warmth over medium heat. Boil the mixture, leave it to simmer for 20 minutes, and take away from heat.

Add the honey, and drink it warm

Sunday, December 8, 2019

The Amazing Outcome Of Consuming Raw Garlic On An Empty Stomach

Garlic is incredibly beneficial for our overall health. It is commonly known that garlic is an extremely healthy organic product which also has healing properties and helps with numerous conditions.

Raw Garlic

Most researches have confirmed that eating garlic is a very useful thing to do. We advise you to have it on empty stomach in the morning, since it will make its powers even stronger and make it a heck of an antibiotic.

The morning happens to be the most favorable time for consuming it since the bacterium cannot handle the increased power of garlic, and they can’t protect themselves from its effectiveness.

Garlic is already famous world-wide because of its healing powers. Among the conditions that it treats are: hypertension, blood circulation, prevents heart problems and controls the liver and bladder function. Aside from that, it’s amazingly good for soothing healing stomach issues, like diarrhea.

Garlic gets the process of digestion back on track and works up your appetite. If you have it on empty stomach, garlic is truly efficient medicine for nerve problems as well.

Garlic has the ability to relieve stress, and in that way it will prevent the production of stomach acid that your body produces each time when you are stressed. Based on the alternative medicine, garlic is among the most effective natural ingredients to cleanse your organism.

Garlic can eliminate parasites and stop the occurrence of diseases, like: diabetes, typhus, depression, and even some types of cancer.
If you happen to see any skin reaction after consuming it, or your body temperature increases, or a headache – then you have to stop using it. So, don’t second-guess its healing effects and begin to use this healthy and essential vegetable.

Friday, December 6, 2019

5 Signs of Gluten Sensitivity

Gluten Free Breads

Recognising the sensitivity to gluten, as well as its possible consequences, celiac disease is not easy, especially in the early stages, if you ignore some of the symptoms. Medical tests know how often make mistakes. Unfortunately, the standard medical tests on gluten are not precise enough, and people who are sensitive to gluten still suffer from various problems.

People often say “it’s all in your head” if the tests show negative. But conventional blood test to gluten sensitivity requires only one of the six polypeptides in a row.

However, there are five more: agglutinin, gliteomorfin, gluteinin, prodinorfin and omega-gliadin. And only one of them, or a combination of them, may cause reactions to wheat if one is sensitive to gluten.

Symptoms of sensitivity, unfortunately, are not clear enough to be able to isolate and can be attributed to a variety of other illnesses. Even those found to have a gluten sensitivity or celiac disease show various symptoms. Therefore, it is quite a complicated issue.

Possible symptoms

1. It is obvious that there will be gastrointestinal symptoms: problems with the stomach -digestion problems. Among them, the following are possible: gas, bloating, upset stomach, abdominal cramps, constipation or diarrhea.

2. The headaches and / or migraines.

3. Fibromyalgia is not a disease, it’s syndrome. This means that you have marks and pain in muscles and connective tissues – this is the meaning of the word, as well as diagnosis (fibro: connective tissue, myo: muscle, algos: pain).

4. Emotional problems including constant irritability and sudden, irrational mood swings.

5. Neurological problems, including dizziness, problems with balance and peripheral neuropathy that affects the peripheral nerves, leading to pain, weakness, numbness of the limbs.

How to make a final decision

Try to keep it 60 days without gluten. If you feel that you are unable to do so, it could mean that you are addicted to gluten. Paradoxically, but we are often dependent on the things that we are allergic.

What should be excluded

Gluten-free diet excludes: wheat, rye, barley, spelled, kamut, oats and triticale.

 – These are cereals containing gluten. You can consume: rice, quinoa, buckwheat and sorghum – these grains are gluten-free. Fast foods almost always contain gluten with some form, unless they are emphatically declared as “gluten-free”. It is best not to buy processed food and salad dressing.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Improve your Health with Nutritional Yeast

Nutritional yeast known as salty yeast is an inactive yeast made from sugar cane or beets and molasses. It has a yellow color and can be found in the form of flakes, granules or powders. Often used as a food seasoning, sauces and dressings. It is used as a substitute for cheese in a vegan diet.
Yellow Flakes Nutritional Yeast

Excellent source of minerals and vitamin B complex, far better than synthetic vitamin B. Nutritional Yeast contains folate, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, zinc and selenium, which makes great food. Although it does not replace a meal, provides the necessary vitamins, especially for vegans and vegetarians.

It is considerably rich in vitamins and minerals, but only one serving provides 9 grams of protein and 4 grams of fiber. It is used to enrich other foods, special dietary products. It is crisp but it can nibble or added to salads.

The health benefits of nutritional yeast
Nutritional yeast boosts immunity, reduces cholesterol levels and act preventively against cancer thanks to the selenium content. It contains a small amount of sodium and fat, gluten-free and rich in zinc, which helps in the healing of wounds. Nutritional yeast is one of the best medicines for the symptoms of candida, and because of its antibacterial activity applied to the Escherichia, salmonella and staphylococcus.

Probiotics in yeast enhance digestion and have positive effects in patients suffering from diarrhea. The high content of thiamine in combination with other B vitamins assist in regulating the cardiovascular, digestive and endocrine system, increases energy and maintain a healthy metabolism.
Nutritional yeast is rich in folic acid so it is recommended for pregnant women to avoid possible defects of the fetus and encourage its proper development. Yeast is used for cosmetic purposes, hair, skin, nails, as well as for the treatment of chronic acne.
It is advisable to all those who plan to diet without excessive fat and calories, especially vegetarians, as well as those who suffer from lactose intolerance.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Symptoms, diagnosis and therapy Of Sciatica

Sciatica is characterized by pain in the lower back, hip through which descends into the back of the leg, and in certain cases involving the foot and toes. Usually occurs only on one side.

Lower Back Pain.

The intensity of the pain varies. Most people recover without specific therapy.

Symptoms of sciatica

The main symptom is a sharp, burning pain accompanied by a feeling of numbness, weakness, numbness and Numbness. In most cases it occurs unilaterally, from the waist down along the leg. Certain positions of the body can affect the intensity of the pain, so pain usually increases when upright, walking, kneeling or bending at the waist while lying down, the pain decreases partially or completely disappears.


For the diagnosis of sciatica, it is primarily to take a good history and a detailed physical examination. In order to determine the cause of the occurrence of sciatica, in some cases required additional investigations as making X-ray, computed tomography and magnetic resonance.


– Setting cold or warm compresses. Place cold or warm compress on the painful area and leave on for about 20 minutes. Repeat about 2 hours. People suffering from sciatica often use cold compresses, although some of them warm compresses perform better in dealing with pain. So experiment and check which type of coating will help more.

– Drugs. Commonly used analgesics to relieve pain, muscle relaxants and others. In severe cases, apply cortical therapy.

– Physical activity. When this disease is an important exercise, but depending on the health status and severity of the disease, certain exercises are not recommended. So consult your doctor and follow the recommendations. It is important to emphasize that physical activity is not recommended during the period until you have severe pain. Once you pass the pain, it is advisable practice of light exercise.

– Surgical treatment. In some cases, the only treatment option is surgery, which fortunately is not required in most patients.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Remedies To Treat Ingrown Toenails

Ingrown toenails cause great soreness and agony, and appear once a nail begins to grow inside the skin in a curved manned. Thus it causes swelling, bruising, inconvenience, redness and infections as well.

Ingrown Toenail

The major reasons of ingrown toenails are genes, uncomfortable footwear, and feet injuries. This problem is pretty common and is usually very hard to fix.

Nevertheless, there are a couple of efficient noninvasive options for treating the pain inflicted by it. Keep in mind to keep the nail uncut and untrimmed, and it is vital to always talk to your physician before you do anything by yourself.

The next five techniques are incredibly helpful and you will feel instant relief:

Tea Tree Oil

This essential oil is a powerful natural disinfectant. The only thing you need to do is to rub in a couple of drops topically.

Apple Cider Vinegar Wash

ACV is an efficient solution in terms of treating an ingrown toenail. Just dilute 1/4 cup of it in some lukewarm water, and let your feet soak in it to soothe the ache and discomfort.
It is also able to prevent an infection once you spread it all over the wound, as its powerful antibacterial components cleanse the area.

Warm Epsom Salt Bath

Epsom salts relieves irritations, makes the nails softer, and destroys the foot bacteria. Simply let the affected foot soak the in the lukewarm water mixed with Epsom salt for 20 minutes.

Antibiotic Ointment

It is extremely important for your feet to be clean, as the area affected by this condition are vulnerable and tender. The feet come in direct contact with many germs, so you ought to apply antibiotic cream on a regular basis, and cover it with a bandage to keep the toes sterile.

Floss or a Cotton Ball

Relieve the pressure between the nail and the painful toe by using a cotton ball or floss. Get your tweezers (or dental floss wrapped around the nail), lift the nail and watchfully place a sterile cotton ball beneath, and make sure the nail moves comfortably.

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