Monday, October 19, 2020

Harmful Foods For The Stomach

Hamful Foods For The Stomach.

Most of the diseases of the body start from the stomach, and protecting and maintaining your stomach is necessarily protection for the remainder and various parts of your body. find out about harmful foods for your stomach.

Now, find out about some foods that are harmful to your stomach in certain cases.

1- Foods hamful to an empty stomach:

Pies and pastries :

Pancakes, pastries, or foods that are included within the preparation and composition of “yeast” generally are very harmful if eaten on an empty stomach, because the yeast causes irritation to the stomach wall, which can cause stomach swelling or perhaps ulceration of the stomach.

sweets :

Eating sweets on an empty stomach boosts insulin levels within the blood, which successively greatly increases the burden on the pancreas, which continues to be at the start of the day and is preparing for work, which can result in diabetes.

Pears :

Pears contain a high percentage of raw fibers, which cause damage to the fragile mucous membranes within the structure of the stomach if you eat them on an empty stomach.

tomatoes :

Tomatoes are advised to not eat them on an empty stomach in the least, because they contain a awfully high percentage of tannin, which increases the acidity of the stomach, which leads and results in stomach ulcers.

the banana :

Eating bananas on an empty stomach can cause a pointy increase within the amount of magnesium within the blood, which over time will damage the guts.

Spices and chili :

Spices, spices or hot foods that they contain generally if you eat them on an empty stomach cause damage and irritation to the mucosa of the stomach, and increase the assembly of acid within the stomach, which successively causes most diseases and pain within the systema alimentarium.

Cold soft drinks :

Drinking soft drinks normally is one amongst the foremost harmful things generally, but additionally thereto, drinking it within the morning on an empty stomach can cause damage to the mucosa, and also reduce the blood supply to the stomach, and thus the result’s slowing down the digestive process and therefore the occurrence of indigestion.

2. Foods that cause indigestion :

Fatty and fried foods :

Fatty and fried foods are among the foods that almost all confuse the stomach, and also the result’s within the style of stomach acid and acid reflux. additionally, fatty foods may change the colour of the stool to a lighter modify what’s called “fatty diarrhea”, which ends up from a rise within the proportion of fat within the stool it’s advised for colon patients to avoid fatty foods because they cause digestive problems

Chili pepper :

Hot pepper works to irritate the esophagus and acidity, and it should cause many problems for colon patients or for those littered with heartburn pain or stomach infections.

Dairy products :

Calcium is crucial in our diet and also the easiest method to induce it from dairy products, but thanks to lactose dairy products cause bloating, diarrhea and stomach ache. Lactose irritates when our body doesn’t produce enough lactose-digesting enzymes in dairy products, and digestive disorders and chemotherapy also cause lactose irritation.

Alcohols :

Alcohol relaxes the body, but it also relaxes the muscles of the esophagus, which can result in acid reflux or heartburn. Drinking alcohol works on inflammation of the stomach wall and hinders the secretion of digestive enzymes and therefore the absorption of nutrients.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Health Benefits Of Eating Ovacado Daily

 Reasons Why You Should Eat An Entire Avocado Every Day

If there is one thing we can all agree on when it comes to fruits, is that avocado is somewhere on top of the list thanks to its incredible taste as well as health beneficial properties such as minerals, vitamins and nutrients.

Studies have revealed that consumingavocados on a regular basis can actually provide our bodies with numerousbenefits, which is why in this article we are going to tell you more about thefruit, and give you 13 more reasons to consume avocados every day.

1.Quality Nutritional Profile

For many unfamiliar, a single serving of avocado provides over 20 of the crucial vitamins, minerals and properties our body needs to function properly throughout the day. It contains vitamin C, K, E, B6, copper, potassium, folate, pantothenic acid and more.

2. Healthy Fat

Avocados are loaded with good monounsaturated fats which greatly help lower the cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of heart attacks and strokes.

3. Cholesterol Levels

As we mentioned above, this fruit does a great job when it comes to lowering the blood triglycerides and LDL cholesterol levels, while increasing the HDL levels.

4. Weight Loss

Consuming avocados on a regular basis will make you feel full and prevent food, snacks, and sugar cravings.

5. Blood Pressure

All the potassium stored in avocados help regulate blood pressure.

6. Nutrient Absorption

Adding avocados to your meals helps boost the nutrients absorption processes in the body.

7. Arthritis

Numerous studies have shown that the extracts from avocado and soybean oil can efficiently treat the arthritissymptoms of the bones, known as osteoarthritis.

8. Eye Health

The fruit has been found to contain large amounts of zeaxanthin and lutein, two components which can help slow down and reverse the process of macular degeneration, and thus improve eye health.

9. Pregnancy

Avocados are packed with potassium, folate, vitamin C and vitamin B6, and all of these are essential for the baby’s tissue and brain development, as well as the fetus development.

10. Prevents Diabetes

Consuming half or a whole avocado per day will greatly help your body in regulating blood glucose levels, insulin and lower the overall risk of diabetes.

11. Fiber

Avocados are rich in fiber as well, 25% soluble and 75% insoluble.

12. Bone Health

Consuming this fruit on a regular basis will help strengthen the bones, as the fruit itself contains copper, vitamin K and folate.

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Health Benefits of Black Pepper Oil: It Removes Uric Acid, Gets Rid of Anxiety, Cigarette Cravings and Arthritis

Although black pepper is quite overlooked these days, it the peak days of spice trade black pepper was used as currency! It is high time people started looking on this spice differently, as it indeed has a lot to offer. Black pepper, particularly black pepper essential oil, offers a wide range of surprising health benefits.

Black Pepper Essential Oil

Health Benefits of Black Pepper Essential Oil

Black pepper essential oil offers countless remedial properties, including laxative, carminative, antibacterial, expectorant, anti-inflammatory, diuretic, antiseptic, stimulant, antispasmodic, rubefacient, diaphoretic, febrifuge, and many more.

-Good for the stomach: It increases the secretion of hydrochloric acid in the stomach, which in turn improves digestion. Healthy digestion is essential to prevent colic, constipation, and diarrhea. Black pepper also prevents the formation of intestinal gas and it promotes urination and sweating, which helps remove toxic matter from the body.

-Weight loss: The outer layer of the peppercorn stimulates the breakdown of fat cells, which makes it ideal for blasting fat and shedding weight in an all-natural way.

-Skin health: Pepper helps cure vitiligo, a condition which causes areas of the skin to turn white. It has been scientifically shown that piperine present in pepper stimulates the production of pigment.

-Respiratory relief: Pepper relieves nasal congestion and sinusitis, due to its ability to dissolve mucus and phlegm in the respiratory tract.

-Antibacterial activity: Pepper`s antibacterial properties help fight against insect bites and infections. Regular consumption of this spice cleanses the arteries, reducing the risk of atherosclerosis.

-Neurological health: Piperine, one of the major compounds of black pepper, has been found to reduce cognitive malfunction and memory impairment.

-The benefits of black pepper essential oil heavily depend on the way it is consumed. It can be ingested, inhaled, or applied topically. Read on for more in-depth information regarding the three ways of using black pepper essential oil and the benefits attributed to each, respectively.


Black pepper essential oil provides sesquiterpenes, potent antioxidants which are known to promote urination and sweating, two ways in which the body eliminates toxins. This oil also increases bile in the stomach, which helps break down food and ensure healthy digestion.


While black pepper essential oil is mostly known for its ability to relax the body physically, it relaxes the mind, too. When inhaled, often used aromatically with oils like lavender and juniper, it helps ease mental stress and help people deal with the stress of smoking cessation.


Ultimately, using black pepper oil topically along with carrier oil helps relax the muscle and alleviate cramps and pulls. Its antispasmodic properties alleviate cramps while its antioxidant properties remove uric acid from the blood, making it beneficial for people suffering from gout, arthritis, and rheumatism.

Monday, June 1, 2020

10 Scientifically Backed Reasons Why You Should Consume Ginger Everyday

In the Ayurveda medicinal tradition, ginger has been called a “natural chest medicine”, because of its infinite health benefits.

Fresh Ginger

They use ginger in each meal and for many purposes in India since the ginger-infused Chai is a powerful common cold and flu treatment. They also practice soaking matchsticks of fresh ginger in lemon juice and salt and including the mixture to dishes they prepare.

It is known to assist the digestion system and maintain the health of the gut.

10 Scientifically Backed Reasons Why You Should Consume Ginger:

— Consume it before meals to increase appetite and prompt your digestive juices.

— It relieves cramps and stomachache

— It prevents flatulence

— It eliminated nausea

— It boosts the absorption of vital body nutrients

— Its anti-inflammatory components so the joint and muscle pain

— It efficiently cleanses the sinuses and the body’s ‘microcirculatory channels’

— By chewing it you can get rid of the post-operation nausea

— It works as an aphrodisiac

— It will help you soothe the throat and deal with congestion of the nose

You can add ginger to various dishes and drinks, and we propose three very tasty possibilities:

Grate the ginger root and make yourself a warm and healthy cup of ginger tea

Include it in desserts to intensify their flavor and add healing abilities
Prepare spicy fragrant ginger rice, by adding ginger, green chilies, chopped garlic, and fresh cilantro leaves to cooked basmati rice.

Take pleasure in this tasty addition of ginger and pump up your health!

Monday, May 25, 2020

Quit Buying Vitamin C Supplements – Learn How To Make Your Own: Simple, Cheap And 100% Organic!

Due to the fact that our body cannot create this vital vitamin we have to get it from a different source, through food or supplements. However, as we all know by now, the food we consume is mostly genetically modified and we can’t be certain that we have enough intake of this important vitamin.

To avoid the threat of a vitamin C deficiency you can create your own vitamin C supplement.

Homemade vitamin C offers live enzymes, and enables a 100% assimilation in your organism. You shouldn’t worry about the dosage labels or FDA approval. What you require is a citrus peel.

Citrus is high in various types of flavonoids, a compound that displays antioxidant copounds in the human body. Naringin, a strong antioxidant, is a flavonoid discovered in the peels of grapefruit, mandarin, and lemons. Based on numerous studies naringin is so potent that it may minimize radiation-induced damage to cells.

Another crucial flavonoid is hesperidin. It is found in the white inner layer of oranges, lemons, limes, and grapefruits. Research has shown that hesperidin lowers the proliferation of cancer cells, induces programmed cell death, and is very effective in hypoglycemia.

Learn how to prepare your own Vitamin C Supplement:

First you have to make sure that the citrus fruits you purchase are natural. Consume the fruit and salvage the peels, you’ll use them to prepare dried citrus powder.

Ingredients required for the preparation of homemade Vitamin C:
Take the peels and spread them on a dehydrator tray. Dehydrate them at 100 °F for 24 hours, or until they are dry and crispy. Place the dry peels in a blender and mix them until you get the smooth consistency. Place the powder in an airtight container and keep it in a cool place.

Compared to the fruit, the peel is packed with much more vitamins and minerals. For instance, one tablespoon of lemon peel contains twice the amount of vitamin C and three times the fiber than a lemon wedge.
Include one spoon of this homemade vitamin C in your diet and have it on a daily basis. How you have it is solely your choice. Put it in soups, salads, smoothies and juices, it’s beneficial in each type of food. Take it whenever you can and improve your immunity so that you never have to deal with a sickness ever again.

Thursday, April 16, 2020

6 Warning Signs That A Liver Is Suffering Because Of An Unhealthy Lifestyle

Chronic liver diseases are a common health issue, and it is estimated that about 31,000 people in the U.S. die from cirrhosis annually.


Our lifestyle choices, unhealthy diets, and habits like smoking, and excessive alcohol consumption, can often damage the liver, leading to extra stress on it, that eventually leads to an inability of the liver to break down fats and produce energy.

According to says Rohit Satoskar, MD, of the MedStar Georgetown Transplant Institute, the liver is “an organ you could easily trash if you don’t take good care of it. And once you trash it, it’s gone.”

Therefore, it is of high importance to know the signs of liver damage and prevent additional complications.

First of all, these are the most common signs of liver damage you should never ignore:

Abdominal Aches: Swellings and pain in the right upper quadrant of the abdomen indicate liver damage

Muscle Wasting: A diseased liver can lead to fluid imbalances that cause an oversized stomach with swollen ankles and skinny/weak arms and legs.

Yellow Skin or Eyes (Jaundice): A damaged liver can often allow bilirubin into the blood, which leads to yellow skin or eyes

Confusion: A damaged liver might lead to excess copper levels in the brain and blood, that might cause Alzheimer’s-like symptoms, like confusion.

Joint pain: Liver disease often leads to joint pain, vomiting, fatigue, and loss of appetite, as they are all caused by autoimmune hepatitis, a condition where the immune system attacks the liver cell tissues.

Skin Spots: When the liver does not function properly, it cannot clean the blood well, and this causes clotting issues and large skin blemishes.
When it comes to protection of this important organ, Ray Chung, MD, medical director of the liver transplant program at Massachusetts General Hospital says:

“It’s all about a healthy lifestyle. Taking care of your liver is far more about avoiding what’s worse than it is about eating or drinking things that are particularly nourishing to the liver.”
In order to prevent liver damage, you should follow the tips below:
Eat a healthy diet and exercise regularly, as if you control your body weight, you will be able to nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), a condition that leads to cirrhosis.

Make sure you limit the intake of alcohol, as alcohol abuse is the number one cause of liver damage.
Increase the intake of vitamin E, that prevents cell damage, and consume more seeds, nuts, wheat germ, vegetable oils and leafy green

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

10 Ways To Get Rid Of Butt Acne

Acne is a common skin condition which almost everyone experiences at one point in their lives, and while they don’t cause any serious side-effects or symptoms, they sure are an aesthetic problem which millions of people wage war against on a daily basis.

Close-up shot of female butt Acne "Before And After.

They can appear anywhere on the skin, and while there are hundreds of different ways, both natural and cosmetic to eliminate them from the face, not many people talk about the other places they appear and cause a significant problem – the buttocks area.

This is also far more problematic than acne on the face, as it can be quite a problem and can cause pain and swelling when sitting down. That is why we are going to dedicate this article on showing you 10 different methods of treating buttocks acne fast, efficient and all-natural, without any undesired or unpleasant side-effects.

1.Warm Compress

One of the simplest solutions, warm compresses work wonders on butt acne, as the warmth is soothing and helps draw out bacteria. Simply mix a teaspoon of table salt in 2 cups of warm water, soak a cloth in the solution and place the compress on the affected area for 15 minutes. Remove it once it starts to cool down and apply a new fresh compress.

2. Ice Pack

Just as efficient as warm compresses, the cold temperature also helps force out the bacteria. Just put a few ice cubes on a towel, bundle it up, and press it on the butt acne. Hold it for 10-15 minutes and repeat this procedure a few times per day.

3. Apple Cider Vinegar

Now that we’ve come to the natural ingredients, ACV is of course, first on our list. All you have to do is add 1 cup of raw unfiltered acv to a bathtub with warm water, and soak in the bath for 15 minutes. Repeat this 3 times a week.
You can also heal your skin from within by drinking a glass of water mixed with 1-2 teaspoons of raw unfiltered acv twice a day.

4. Tea Tree Oil

The second natural remedy on our list is tea tree oil. For starters, it is a powerful antiseptic, and the essential oil itself cleanses the follicles while accelerating the healing process. Just place a few drops of the oil on a cotton ball, and gently dab on the affected area. Let it dry, before rinsing the area with lukewarm water. Repeat this procedure 2-3 times per day.

5. Aloe Vera

Another world-famous natural remedy, Aloe Vera helps fight bacteria and soothe the skin. This can be tricky so make sure you follow the instructions carefully. Start off by cutting open an aloe vera leaf, scooping out the fresh aloe vera gel and blending it in a blender to smooth it out. Apply the gel on the butt acne. Let it dry and sit for 15 minutes before rinsing it off. Repeat this 2-3 times a day for 1 week.

6. Coconut Oil

Coconut oil has been widely known since ancient times for its antibacterial and anti fungal properties which studies have shown are effective in the treatment of this common problem. On top of that it is a moisturizing and softening agent. Simply apply it on the affected area and massage it gently. Repeat this 2-3 times per day. Also, you don’t have to rinse it off.

7. Oatmeal

It might sound strange, but if you have none of the other ingredients, then oatmeal can also help you deal with this problem. Just grind up 1 cup of oats in a blender, mix it with some Epsom salt and place it in a container. Add 1-2 tablespoons of the mixture in a washcloth, tie it well and dip the bag in some warm water before gently holding it against the affected area.
You can also mix a tablespoon of oatmeal and a tablespoon of plain yogurt with a teaspoon of yogurt. Mix it well and apply the paste on your buttocks. Wait until it dries before scrubbing using circular motions for 5 minutes. Rinse it off afterwards.

8. Toothpaste

White toothpaste also does wonders when it comes to treating butt acne, while helping dry out inflamed follicles. Just dab a small amount of the toothpaste on the affected area and let it sit overnight. In the morning, wash it off with cold water. Repeat until the condition improves.

9. Baking Soda

Baking soda is an incredible alkalizing agent, helping the skin maintain its pH levels, while its anti-inflammatory properties reduce the inflammation and pain. Simply add a bit of water to 1 teaspoon of baking soda, prepare a paste, and apply it on the affected area. Let it sit for 2 minutes before rinsing it all off with cool water. Use this once a day.

10. Aspirin

Despite being an over-the-counter medicine, aspirin is quite useful in the treatment of of butt acne as it dries out the inflamed follicles. Crush 1 or 2 uncounted aspirins, and prepare a thin paste by adding a bit of water. Add some honey and olive oil as well to improve the affects. Once done, apply the mask on the affected area thinly, let it sit for a few minutes so it can dry, and finally, wash it off with some warm water. Repeat this twice a day.

Additional Tips:

• Don’t pop the butt acne, as it can scar and spread bacteria.

• Try a raw food diet and a detoxification method.

• Use fragrance-free toilet paper.

• Wear cotton clothes and underwear.

• Always shower after a workout session.

• Avoid using fabric-softeners on your clothes.

• Change your underwear every day.

• Avoid sugary, fried junk and fatty foods.

• Drink lots of water to hydrate your body.

• Don’t share clothes or towels with others.

Health Benefits Of Using Turmeric "The Golden Spice"

7,000 Studies Verify TurmericIs Life-changing: 7 Incredible Recipes  Turmeric Powder In A Bowl They call it the “Golden spice” due to...