Thursday, April 16, 2020

6 Warning Signs That A Liver Is Suffering Because Of An Unhealthy Lifestyle

Chronic liver diseases are a common health issue, and it is estimated that about 31,000 people in the U.S. die from cirrhosis annually.


Our lifestyle choices, unhealthy diets, and habits like smoking, and excessive alcohol consumption, can often damage the liver, leading to extra stress on it, that eventually leads to an inability of the liver to break down fats and produce energy.

According to says Rohit Satoskar, MD, of the MedStar Georgetown Transplant Institute, the liver is “an organ you could easily trash if you don’t take good care of it. And once you trash it, it’s gone.”

Therefore, it is of high importance to know the signs of liver damage and prevent additional complications.

First of all, these are the most common signs of liver damage you should never ignore:

Abdominal Aches: Swellings and pain in the right upper quadrant of the abdomen indicate liver damage

Muscle Wasting: A diseased liver can lead to fluid imbalances that cause an oversized stomach with swollen ankles and skinny/weak arms and legs.

Yellow Skin or Eyes (Jaundice): A damaged liver can often allow bilirubin into the blood, which leads to yellow skin or eyes

Confusion: A damaged liver might lead to excess copper levels in the brain and blood, that might cause Alzheimer’s-like symptoms, like confusion.

Joint pain: Liver disease often leads to joint pain, vomiting, fatigue, and loss of appetite, as they are all caused by autoimmune hepatitis, a condition where the immune system attacks the liver cell tissues.

Skin Spots: When the liver does not function properly, it cannot clean the blood well, and this causes clotting issues and large skin blemishes.
When it comes to protection of this important organ, Ray Chung, MD, medical director of the liver transplant program at Massachusetts General Hospital says:

“It’s all about a healthy lifestyle. Taking care of your liver is far more about avoiding what’s worse than it is about eating or drinking things that are particularly nourishing to the liver.”
In order to prevent liver damage, you should follow the tips below:
Eat a healthy diet and exercise regularly, as if you control your body weight, you will be able to nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), a condition that leads to cirrhosis.

Make sure you limit the intake of alcohol, as alcohol abuse is the number one cause of liver damage.
Increase the intake of vitamin E, that prevents cell damage, and consume more seeds, nuts, wheat germ, vegetable oils and leafy green

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

10 Ways To Get Rid Of Butt Acne

Acne is a common skin condition which almost everyone experiences at one point in their lives, and while they don’t cause any serious side-effects or symptoms, they sure are an aesthetic problem which millions of people wage war against on a daily basis.

Close-up shot of female butt Acne "Before And After.

They can appear anywhere on the skin, and while there are hundreds of different ways, both natural and cosmetic to eliminate them from the face, not many people talk about the other places they appear and cause a significant problem – the buttocks area.

This is also far more problematic than acne on the face, as it can be quite a problem and can cause pain and swelling when sitting down. That is why we are going to dedicate this article on showing you 10 different methods of treating buttocks acne fast, efficient and all-natural, without any undesired or unpleasant side-effects.

1.Warm Compress

One of the simplest solutions, warm compresses work wonders on butt acne, as the warmth is soothing and helps draw out bacteria. Simply mix a teaspoon of table salt in 2 cups of warm water, soak a cloth in the solution and place the compress on the affected area for 15 minutes. Remove it once it starts to cool down and apply a new fresh compress.

2. Ice Pack

Just as efficient as warm compresses, the cold temperature also helps force out the bacteria. Just put a few ice cubes on a towel, bundle it up, and press it on the butt acne. Hold it for 10-15 minutes and repeat this procedure a few times per day.

3. Apple Cider Vinegar

Now that we’ve come to the natural ingredients, ACV is of course, first on our list. All you have to do is add 1 cup of raw unfiltered acv to a bathtub with warm water, and soak in the bath for 15 minutes. Repeat this 3 times a week.
You can also heal your skin from within by drinking a glass of water mixed with 1-2 teaspoons of raw unfiltered acv twice a day.

4. Tea Tree Oil

The second natural remedy on our list is tea tree oil. For starters, it is a powerful antiseptic, and the essential oil itself cleanses the follicles while accelerating the healing process. Just place a few drops of the oil on a cotton ball, and gently dab on the affected area. Let it dry, before rinsing the area with lukewarm water. Repeat this procedure 2-3 times per day.

5. Aloe Vera

Another world-famous natural remedy, Aloe Vera helps fight bacteria and soothe the skin. This can be tricky so make sure you follow the instructions carefully. Start off by cutting open an aloe vera leaf, scooping out the fresh aloe vera gel and blending it in a blender to smooth it out. Apply the gel on the butt acne. Let it dry and sit for 15 minutes before rinsing it off. Repeat this 2-3 times a day for 1 week.

6. Coconut Oil

Coconut oil has been widely known since ancient times for its antibacterial and anti fungal properties which studies have shown are effective in the treatment of this common problem. On top of that it is a moisturizing and softening agent. Simply apply it on the affected area and massage it gently. Repeat this 2-3 times per day. Also, you don’t have to rinse it off.

7. Oatmeal

It might sound strange, but if you have none of the other ingredients, then oatmeal can also help you deal with this problem. Just grind up 1 cup of oats in a blender, mix it with some Epsom salt and place it in a container. Add 1-2 tablespoons of the mixture in a washcloth, tie it well and dip the bag in some warm water before gently holding it against the affected area.
You can also mix a tablespoon of oatmeal and a tablespoon of plain yogurt with a teaspoon of yogurt. Mix it well and apply the paste on your buttocks. Wait until it dries before scrubbing using circular motions for 5 minutes. Rinse it off afterwards.

8. Toothpaste

White toothpaste also does wonders when it comes to treating butt acne, while helping dry out inflamed follicles. Just dab a small amount of the toothpaste on the affected area and let it sit overnight. In the morning, wash it off with cold water. Repeat until the condition improves.

9. Baking Soda

Baking soda is an incredible alkalizing agent, helping the skin maintain its pH levels, while its anti-inflammatory properties reduce the inflammation and pain. Simply add a bit of water to 1 teaspoon of baking soda, prepare a paste, and apply it on the affected area. Let it sit for 2 minutes before rinsing it all off with cool water. Use this once a day.

10. Aspirin

Despite being an over-the-counter medicine, aspirin is quite useful in the treatment of of butt acne as it dries out the inflamed follicles. Crush 1 or 2 uncounted aspirins, and prepare a thin paste by adding a bit of water. Add some honey and olive oil as well to improve the affects. Once done, apply the mask on the affected area thinly, let it sit for a few minutes so it can dry, and finally, wash it off with some warm water. Repeat this twice a day.

Additional Tips:

• Don’t pop the butt acne, as it can scar and spread bacteria.

• Try a raw food diet and a detoxification method.

• Use fragrance-free toilet paper.

• Wear cotton clothes and underwear.

• Always shower after a workout session.

• Avoid using fabric-softeners on your clothes.

• Change your underwear every day.

• Avoid sugary, fried junk and fatty foods.

• Drink lots of water to hydrate your body.

• Don’t share clothes or towels with others.

Sunday, April 12, 2020

What Happens When You Mix Lemon Juice With Baking Soda

Citrus fruits are rich in nutrients, regulate pH levels, and combat cancer.

Baking Soda Lemon Juice

The medicinal advantages of these fruits, especially lemons, treat indigestion, fever, internal bleeding, constipation, cholera, hypertension, respiratory issues, and even cancer.

Lemons are recognized for their powerful therapeutic components, help strengthen the immune system, filter the blood, and detox the stomach.

They are packed with strong antiviral, antimicrobial and antifungal components, which means that they are incredibly efficient in treating intestinal worms and parasites. Lemons are also able to reduce depression, stress, and nerve crisis.

As we mentioned earlier, lemon and baking soda also have the power to prevent the development of cancer. The latest study found that 150g of citrus per week can lower the chances of throat cancer by 58 %, oral cancer by 53 %, stomach cancer by 31 %, and colon cancer by 18 %. A different one has proven that citrus fruits fight off breast cancer as well.

Nutritional Lemon Facts

The endless medical advantages of lemons come from its nourishing elements such as protein, potassium, zinc, magnesium, phosphorus, copper, thiamin, niacin, vitamin E, folate, vitamin A, vitamin B6, vitamin C, and many more. It containsflavonoids, composites that contain anti-cancer and antioxidant components aswell.

The Baking Soda Benefits

Dr. Tullio Simoncini is an Italian doctor who has conducted more research than anyone about the use and effects of baking soda in terms of treating cancer.
Baking soda is incredibly helpful for regulating the acidity and body`s pH levels. Thus, ithelps cure acidosis, ulcers, heartburn, and indigestion. It can also helpin cases of antidepressant overdose and neutralizing the stomach acidity.

Regulated pH levels, helps hinder and fight cancer since cancer can only survive in an acidic environment. Based on a study in 2009 regarding baking soda and its alkalizing impact, increasing the pH level in mice induced with cancer-disrupts the cancer cells growth.

Lemon And Baking Soda

All you need to do is combine half a squeezed lemon with a tsp of baking soda with a glass of mineral water, cold or warm based on your choice.
Try consuming this remedy on a daily basis. If you happen to be fighting cancer, consume it maximum4 times per day. Of course, first talk to your doctor before trying this solutionto make sure that it is safe for use.

Friday, April 10, 2020

How To Quit Smoking Using These Amazing Herbs

Human Hand Breaking Cigarette

Stop smoking is one of the best decisions you can bring into your life if you have this unhealthy habit. For years we meet with serious consequences that smoking acts on the body, causing a greater number of smokers who want to quit smoking and improve their quality of life.

Although many think that it is easy to quit smoking, people who are addicted to smoking can not do so easily. The process of leaving smoking can be a long, extremely difficult and demands great effort and will of smokers. Most smokers who want to quit have to constantly try to succeed. The most important thing is not to give up, and to always have in mind that it is possible to give up smoking.

The following “remedies” can help to control the urge to smoke and to stop practicing this habit, harmful to your health.


This herb is used to reduce the desire to smoke. Consuming these plants significantly can help you quit smoking, it inhibits the production of dopamine, the neurotransmitter responsible for the feeling of happiness and well-being, which is stimulated by nicotine from cigarettes.


Valerian is a herb with a calming effect and can reduce stress and anxiety in people who are trying to quit smoking. Two or three cups of tea a day of valerian can help in controlling the desire to smoke. We recommend the use of valerian before bed to its soothing effect would not disturb your daily activities.

Cayenne pepper

Cayenne pepper is one of the natural remedies that will help you quit smoking. Its beneficial ingredients stimulate the detoxification of the body of harmful substances contained in cigarettes, while at the same time reduce the urge to smoke. Include red pepper in a food or prepare tea with cayenne pepper, because you will thus control the urge to smoke and stimulate the purification of the lungs.


Clove is a spice with a strong smell, which can significantly reduce the urge to smoke. It is recommended that immediately after the cigarettes smoked in the mouth put a little clove and to hold in the mouth for two hours.

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Health Benefits Of Grapes: Grapes for Kidney Disease, Cancer Prevention And Other Health Issues

Grapes contains a normal of about 80% water, the sugar content is high, yet is excluded in the starches. It is exceptionally wealthy in potassium, iron and its antacid substances.

Red Grape's 🍇

Crisp and develop, the grapes are viewed as the most beneficial organic product. It is incredible of help in the discharge of uric corrosive from the body. Grapes are likewise extremely valuable since it invigorates assimilation of stomach related squeezes in the body.

Devouring grapes turned into the most loved and best eating regimen for re-adjusting the corrosive antacid condition in the body. The grape turned out to be extremely helpful for accomplishing that objective.

Grape diet

A supper comprising only of grape, around one kilogram, as indicated by close to home taste and conceivable outcomes, is extremely nutritious. Whenever expended 1/4 kg more than three or four days, ripe grape at regular intervals and stay away from some other nourishment, the whole life form will be cleaned.

Researchers have discovered that grape seed can treat malignant growth, so don’t discard them. They are additionally incredible avoidance.
On the off chance that grapes are devoured as we said above it can assist you with kidney sickness!

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Here’s What Oncologists Won’t Tell You About The Essential Oils

The most recently conducted studies display that essential oils contribute a lot in the battle with cancer.

Bottle of Frankincense Oil

Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils

If you have nothing against taking the essential oils for the purpose of treating your health condition, you have to get acquainted with their therapeutic abilities. The majority of brands on available at the stores and market that you are able to purchase are usually bad quality oils, and are diluted with some additives, generally alcohol.
They won’t have the same effects as those completely natural, so we recommend that you buy yours from a really trusted source.

Essential Oils & Their Healing Powers
The thyme got rid of 97% of the cells, while on the other hand chamomile was able to remove 93%, which means that these two types of essential oil have
largest shot at fighting cancer.

Researchers paid quite a lot of attention at these oils, and they found out that the chamomile contains potent antioxidant components, and that is the major cause for the effectiveness of this oil against cancer cells. Peppermint, winter savory, sweet and bitter fennel, thyme, chamomile, lavender and sage oil also have anti-cancer properties but are less efficient than thyme and chamomile.

Frankincense Oil

This oil prevents the cancer cells from reproducing and is also able to destroy them. This oil is so efficient, just on account of the presence of one particular ingredient, called monoterpenes, which is able to get rid of the cancer cells pretty quickly.
The frankincense oil does not damage the healthy cells, and it helps in each and every cancer stage meaning that it is cytotoxic.

Below you will be able to see what types of cancer and in which stages this special oil helped save lives:

A Child with Brain Cancer

End-Stage Liver Cancer Patient

Stage-4 Cancer Patient

Bladder Cancer Patient

Cervical Cancer Patient

Breast Cancer Patient

This is merely a short list of patients who managed to cure themselves from this terrible disease by using of these incredible essential oils.!

Friday, December 20, 2019

What Happens When you Stop Eating Meat

At such temperatures, avoiding meat can only be used. Especially since the transition to a vegetarian diet makes no problems in the biochemistry of the body, says Joanne Blake, a dietitian and assistant professor at Boston University.

 On the contrary, it brings many benefits.

Fresh Grilled Meat Beef Stew

You can lose a few pounds

Neal Barnard, prof. in medical school at George Washington University and president of Medical Committee for Responsible Medicine, a group established to promote food of plant origin as a form of prevention, recently analyzed all clinical studies about vegetarian diets and weight loss. He found that, even if you have not switched to a vegetarian diet to lose weight, it happens. Average weight loss is 3,75kg.

You will receive a new healthy bacteria in the intestines

“The body has digestive enzymes that act on proteins and meat from plants and it does not change when you stop eating meat,” explains Liz Applegate, director of sports nutrition Davis – University of California. Still, she says, all indigestible carbohydrates from plant protein and other plant foods may alter the composition of bacteria in the intestines. The researchers believe the new carbohydrates can help to increase the number of healthy bacteria in the intestines. Since it takes some time to hose used to this new “residents”, it is possible to contact the gas and bloating.

Make it easier for your heart

Several studies have shown that vegetarians for 24% lower risk of death from ischemic heart disease (which occurs due to narrowing of the coronary arteries and reduced blood flow through them) compared to those who eat meat. “It has been shown that plant-based diet anti-inflammatory ” says dietitian Emily Bailey.

Muscles may require more time for recovery

Protein is essential for muscle building and maintaining muscle mass and recovery after training. Persons who enter only plant proteins takes a longer time for muscle recovery. Therefore, expert athletes vegetarians, especially vegans, recommend that after a workout, take protein in liquid form because they are quickly absorbed. For example smoothie with coconut, almond, rice, soy milk, along with fresh fruit (carbohydrate) – in this way you will fill up your glycogen stores, which the body uses as energy after a workout.

Health Benefits Of Using Turmeric "The Golden Spice"

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